News Update

News Update


05 August 2016

Hello there!

Thanks for visiting our new website. We are very excited to have our own site now, to let you know what we are up to, and share the latest from our wonderful fundraisers and patients.

As many of you will know, we've officially had a hospital charity since 1996, and have received donations for many years before that (the land which Mount Vernon hospital stands on was a gift to the community, long before the NHS existed). We now want to significantly increase the positive impact which the charity has, for everybody in Hillingdon. Our aim is that in three years time, we will be able to raise and spend over £1m a year on improvements for patients, over and above what would otherwise be possible, right here in your local hospitals.

We have all seen the amazing impact that hospital charities have, with Great Ormond Street Hospital Charity the most well known of them, and we are excited to be able to help you make a real difference, in the hospitals here in Hillingdon & Mount Vernon which so many of us use.

We hope you like our new website, and cant wait to hear from you.

Your generosity makes all this possible. Find out more about the charity here.


If you would like to know more about our work in your

community please fill in your details below:
